AIRCENTER – Atlantic International Research Center

Atlantic International Research Centre
, based in the Azores, the AIR Centre will be a platform for the development of research activities on climate, land, space and ocean. It will create scientific jobs for highly qualified human resources, while enabling integrated research on the Atlantic. The governments of Portugal, Brazil, Spain, Angola, Cape Verde, Nigeria, Uruguay and São Tomé and Príncipe are involved in this project, together with the regional government of the Azores. The United Kingdom and South Africa are involved as Observers at this stage. The participation in these infra-structures pertain the development of specific robotic systems as well as intelligent management systems relevant for the sustainable exploitation of ocean resources, such as, biomass, minerals and ocean transportation, with a competitive economic efficiency without which, the ocean will be always just a dream.

As it will be clear from the next section, the pursuit of the Sustainable Energy Systems objectives, the participation in following Colaborative Laboratory is extremely relevant.

EMSO – European Multidisciplinary Seafloor and Water Column Observatory

EMSO aims to explore the oceans, to gain a better understanding of phenomena happening within and below them, and to explain the critical role that these phenomena play in the broader Earth systems. EMSO consists in a system of regional facilities placed at key sites around Europe, from North East to the Atlantic, through the Mediterranean, to the Black Sea. Observatories are platforms equipped with multiple sensors, placed along the water column and on the seafloor. They constantly measure different biogeochemical and physical parameters, that address natural hazards, climate change and marine ecosystems. EMSO offers data and services to a large and diverse group of users, from scientists and industries to institutions and policy makers. It is an extraordinary infrastructure to provide relevant information for defining environmental policies based on scientific data. EMSO is a consortium of partners sharing in a common strategic framework scientific facility (data, instruments, computing and storage capacity). Formally it is a European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC), legal framework created for pan-European large-scale research infrastructures.

FEP | Doutorado Nível Inicial (Refª2022/14)

By order of Professor Doctor José Manuel Janeira Varejão, Director of the Faculty of Economics of the University of Porto (FEP), of 20th June 2022, it was decided to open an international selection procedure for hiring a doctoral researcher (Junior Researcher), for the exercise of scientific research activities in the FOS scientific area (s) of 5. Social Sciences-5.2 Economics and Management, under the Labor Code, within the scope of the R&D Unit Center for Economics and Finance of Porto, under the reference DSAIPA/CS/0086/2020, for the project “impact of Covid-19 lockdown measure on mobility, air pollution and macroeconomic indicators in Portugal: a machine learning approach” ongoing at FEP and financed by funds the Foundation for Science and Technology.

1 Post-doctoral Research Fellowship

A post-doctoral research fellowship is now open for the MLDLCOV project – Impact of COVID-19 containment measures on mobility, air pollution, health and macroeconomic indicators in Portugal: a Machine Learning approach, with reference DSAIPA/CS/0086/2020, funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), through the Northern Regional Operational Program (NORTE2020), under Portugal 2020, of the Research Unit SYSTEC – Systems and Technology Research Center of the Institute for Systems and Robotics – Porto (ISRP).


Fernando Lobo Pereira, founder of the ARISE Associated Lab of which he was Scientific Coordinator, passed away on June 17th, 2022. He was 65 years old.

A person of immense sympathy and generosity, he leaves an enormous scientific legacy. One of the biggest Portuguese names in the areas of control, dynamic optimization, impulsive systems, coordination and control of multiple dynamic systems, autonomous systems, as well as control applications in mobile robotics, power and manufacturing systems.

With condolences to the family, colleagues and friends The Advanced Production and Intelligent Systems Associated Laboratory.


PAMI – Portuguese Additive Manufacturing Initiative

PAMI is led by CDRSP from the IP Leiria, and counts with a very strong participation of the ARISE AL research unit ISR-C from the Institute of Systems and Robotics, CEMMPRE from  Universidade Coimbra, and also involves key partners such as, IP Nunes, CENTIMFE and CNC.

ARISE LA – Advance Production and Intelligent Systems is strongly articulated to this research infrastructure. Both ARISE LA and PAMI intend to respond to a crucial competitiveness challenge and threat to future property: closing the gap between R&D activities and the development of technological innovations in production of goods. PAMI is also in-line with the CRER2020 program for the central region of Portugal. All nodes of PAMI are committed to the following general aims:

  1. Fostering novel research areas and interdisciplinary fields.
  2. To encourage, support and help in creation of products and launch of spin off companies from the current research institutes in fields of engineering, and medical sciences.
  3. To provide educational services and prepare the new generation of engineers and,
  4. To provide prototyping services to external companies/ Institutes. PAMI proposes a clever distribution of excellent infrastructures within the central region of Portugal with different areas of specialty: Mechanical, Materials, and Electrical Engineering, and Bio-Sciences.

This infra-structure plays a core role in the ARISE LA and many of its activities are already discussed in the Thematic line Advanced Production Systems and Processes.

Laboratory for Digital and Intelligent Industry (DIGI2)

The SYSTEC-DIGI2 targets the design, implementation and validation of smart components for advanced manufacturing system that introduce intelligence into industrial processes. By implementing a novel Framework related with Cyber-Physical Production Systems, the work carried out at SYSTEC-DIGI2 will contribute to the emergence of the factories of the future.

Targeting added value manufacturing concepts, SYSTEC-DIGI2 is highly interdisciplinary as it spans from the design and implementation of the smart components and supporting services (hardware and software), including the required infra-structures, to the CPPS conceptual frameworks underlying control, data analytics, intelligence and coordination. Currently the SYSTEC-DIGI2 develops research in the following thrusts:

  • Adaptive and smart manufacturing systems for Smart factories, which includes automated operation of the shop-floor, integrated embedded computers, real-time monitoring, adaptive control, autonomous actuation and cooperative machine to machine interaction.
  • Digital, virtual and resource-efficient factories, which includes human-team agile exploitation/analysis of vast amounts of digital information, knowledge management, informed planning and complex simulation and collaborative product-service engineering support.
  • Virtual Factories, which includes connected and collaborative enterprises and highly flexible global supply chains of connected eco-systems.

SYSTEC-DIGI2 is located in the Informatics Engineering and in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at FEUP, in room i124.

Laboratory for Systems Control Optimization and Estimation (LSCOE)

The SYSTEC-LSCOE aims at creating a fertile ground for discussion of research ideas, broaching challenging problems for engineers and mathematicians, and providing scientists with advanced methods and new tools for their research activity. Its main lines of activity are research and training, mostly carried out within the context of SYSTEC-CONTROL thematic line, and involve: The development of dedicated stand-alone estimation, optimization and control algorithms and prototypes for a wide range of applications, and environments such as health care, agriculture, and power systems.

  • The access to advanced software libraries and grid computing infra-structures.
  • Data acquisition and ground truth construction to validate the developed products.
  • Interaction with external specialists and field testing of algorithms and computational packages.

These activities result from the merging of the CEO (Control Estimation and Optimization) group of ISR Porto with new members from a research center at the University of Aveiro, and are supported by external cooperation and networking with highly reputed researchers at national and international level.

The lab facilities include computer equipped workplaces and a server with some of the latest control and optimization software packages.

SYSTEC- LSCOE is located in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at FEUP, in room i202.

Laboratory for Electric Mobility and Renewables (LEMR)

The SYSTEC-LEMR activities are mainly developed within the context of SYSTEC-ENERGY thematic line and involve the development of:

  • Hardware and real time software for power converters and systems control as well as for distributed instrumentation with tele-operation, tele-maintenance and observation techniques for products full life cycle.
  • Test benches for laboratory essay of power converters, batteries, specific components, and systems, namely, EVs powertrain, renewable generation systems integrated into grid.
  • Software tools for power circuits, control systems, electromechanical systems, power systems and grid.
  • Optimization software for power system operation, integrating smart grid technologies and new paradigms using forecast and real-time information.
  • Innovative technologies for electric vehicles and transport systems.
  • Integrated intelligent concepts and solutions for smart building systems.
  • Prototypes of innovative technologies for efficient consumption appliances.

These activities continue the tradition of developments of the IE – Industrial Electronics group of ISR Porto, from which it inherits most of its members and welcomes new researchers working on energy.

LEMR is located in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at FEUP, in rooms i104 and i-115.

Cyber-Physical Control Systems and Robotics Laboratory (C2SR)

The SYSTEC-NET activities, which are mainly developed at the Cyber-Physical Control Systems and Robotics lab (C2SR) and in cooperation with the FEUP Laboratory of Underwater Systems and Technologies (LSTS) encompass:

  • Hardware for unmanned aerial, surface and underwater vehicles for autonomous and tele-operated mode of operations. This includes the design, development, and testing of complex systems encompassing mechanical components, power systems, various types of communications, electronics, sensing, actuators, and onboard and off-board computational systems.
  • Hardware for devices to support autonomous navigation and robust communications for networked devices and operators.
  • Software required for the single mode and networked operation of the unmanned aerial, surface and underwater vehicles for autonomous and tele-operated mode of operations. This includes the design, development, and testing of a chain of software tools comprising command and control systems for the operation of single and multiple vehicles, middleware platforms, disruptive tolerant communication infra-structures, and the vehicle’s onboard software.
  • Lab testing of all hardware devices, software and systems, and integrated hardware and software via simulation, and simulation with hardware in the loop.
  • Intensive field testing of vehicles and systems in standalone and networking modes to meet strict operational end-users requirements.

C2SR is located in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at FEUP, in room i102.