AIRCENTER – Atlantic International Research Center

Atlantic International Research Centre
, based in the Azores, the AIR Centre will be a platform for the development of research activities on climate, land, space and ocean. It will create scientific jobs for highly qualified human resources, while enabling integrated research on the Atlantic. The governments of Portugal, Brazil, Spain, Angola, Cape Verde, Nigeria, Uruguay and São Tomé and Príncipe are involved in this project, together with the regional government of the Azores. The United Kingdom and South Africa are involved as Observers at this stage. The participation in these infra-structures pertain the development of specific robotic systems as well as intelligent management systems relevant for the sustainable exploitation of ocean resources, such as, biomass, minerals and ocean transportation, with a competitive economic efficiency without which, the ocean will be always just a dream.

As it will be clear from the next section, the pursuit of the Sustainable Energy Systems objectives, the participation in following Colaborative Laboratory is extremely relevant.