The ARISE AL follows the European concept of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) that deals with the ethical issues arising within research itself, but also considering the wider dimensions of science and innovation already in basic research and technological development. To follow the RRI strategy ARISE researchers carry out research with the highest international and ethical standards, promote team spirit and collaborative work, respect all patient and individuals confidentiality and rights, promote the translation of research findings to the public, recognize the Institute’s social responsibility through its outreach activities, promote a culture of mutual respect and equal opportunity within the AL and, achieve high standards of corporate governance. In ARISE the gender dimension is integrated and followed through at all stages of the research cycle, following the guidelines set by the ERA on Gender equality and gender mainstreaming in research. Particular attention is paid to ensuring gender balance subject to the situation in our field of research. As demonstrated in Women in Science­She Figures 2013 from the European Commission, women are more numerous at undergraduate levels but under­ represented at PhD and higher levels, especially in engineering. As such, ARISE will actively aim at achieving gender parity and equality during the recruitment process. This will include the goal of ensuring that at least 40% of the under­ represented gender participate in committees involved in recruitment and in establishing and evaluating research programs. The objective is also to ensure that at least 40% of the ­represented are recruited for the employment of post­doctoral researchers. 

ARISE AL endorses the European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity, adopted in the framework of the H2020 Program.