3D ADDITIVE EXPO-Feira de impressão 3D e fabrico aditivo. 9 – 12 /11/2022 (10-19 h) – EXPOSALÃO – Batalha

The stand of CEMMPRE and IPN based on Knowledge as essential “parameter” of Additive Manufacturing, shows present and future research about Additive Manufacturing (Materials and Technologies) applied to mechanical components/systems/devices. The exhibition was supported by researchers on 3D additive manufacturing technologies of CEMMPRE, contributing to disseminate and share to the visitants their experience on the latest materials and additive manufacturing technologies. The exhibition provided an overview of the state of art, design & modeling research, creative practice, and innovation&enterprise in 3D additive technologies. A QUIZ about the basic concepts in this area will let to selected 5 people to a special free course that promotes the formation to sustainable work in manufacturing, that could be the starting of industrial PhD.